
Friday, 15 April 2011

How to warn the user that all unsaved changes will be lost when he is leaving the page Part 3

Here is some progress on my jQuery plugin for warning a user when he is leaving the page and there are unsaved changes.

    1 // Version 0.2

    2 // April 10 2011 22:54

    3 // Julian Vargas

    4 //


    6 (function () {

    7     var userIsEditing = false;

    8     var message = "Do you really want to abandon this page?, unsaved changes will be lost.";

    9     var controlsToObserve = ":input, :text, :password, :radio, :checkbox, select";

   10     var eventsToObserve = "keyup change";


   12     // the function is declared as a 'var' for DRY.

   13     var confirmation = function (event) {

   14         if (userIsEditing && !confirm(message))

   15             event.preventDefault();

   16     }


   18     $("a").click(confirmation);

   19     $(window).unload(confirmation);// This still needs improvements


   21     $(controlsToObserve).bind(eventsToObserve, function () { userIsEditing = true; });


   23 })();

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