Exec dbo.GenerateInsertQueriesFor 'Student'
Create Procedure dbo.GenerateInsertQueriesFor
@TableName Varchar(max)
Generate Insert Queries for a given table
Created by: Julian Vargas
Url: http://gr8code.blogspot.com
On: October 19 2010
Declare @ColumnName varchar(max)
Declare @DataType Varchar(max)
Declare @Insert Varchar(max)
--Initial structure of the insert query
Set @Insert = 'Select ''Insert Into '
+ @TableName
+ ' Values('
--A cursor to navigate through the list of columns in the table
--specified by @TableName
Declare Columnas Cursor For
--Uses the information schema for listing the columns
Select Column_Name, Data_Type
From Information_Schema.Columns
Where Table_Name =@TableName
Open Columnas
Fetch Next From Columnas Into @ColumnName, @DataType
The final query will look like this:
Select 'Insert Into Student Values(' + ''''
+ Cast(IsNull(StudentId,0) As Varchar(max))
+ '''' + ',' + '''' + Cast(IsNull(Name,'') As Varchar(max))
+ '''' + ')'
From Student
after running the query, the result will look like this:
Insert Into Student Values('1','Jhon')
Notice that all columns are casted to varchar for allowing concatenation
and also are inside quotes to treat them as string and let SQL Server
to convert them to their corresponding values.
To determine if the datatype is any numerical type, the
funcion CharIndex is used like this:
CharIndex(' int ' , ' bigint int smallint ...') is equal to 8
CharIndex(' smallint ' , ' bigint int smallint ...') is equal to 12
CharIndex(' varchar ' , ' bigint int smallint ...') is equal to 0
While @@Fetch_status = 0 Begin
Set @Insert = @Insert
-- 1quote 4quotes
+ ''' + '''''''' + Cast(IsNull('+@ColumnName+','+
Case CharIndex(' '+@DataType+ ' ', ' bigint int '
+'smallint tinyint bit decimal numeric money '
+'smallmoney float real ')
-- 2quotes
When 0 Then '''''' Else '0' End
-- 4quotes
+') As Varchar(max)) + '''''''' + '','
Fetch Next From Columnas Into @ColumnName, @DataType
Close Columnas
Deallocate Columnas
--Remove the last comma
Set @Insert = Substring(@Insert, 1, Len(@Insert)-1)
--Closes the sentence
Set @Insert = (@Insert + ')'' From ' + @TableName)
--Runs the query
One thing to keep in mind is that you have to enable identity insert before running the final scripts.
I hope you find the procedure useful as I do.
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